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Monday, October 19, 2009

Ok haha this is a rubbish post but I'm updating it only because Yu Rong asked me to yea so Yu Rong this is fer you...=.=" Erm...Tough there isn't much to talk about...Practically spent the whole day reading Kenichi and playing FFX!! (Auron is so cool!! XD haha) Yea...lol =) ok thanks for reading although this is rubbish haha

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
4:07 AM

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ok seriously sorry about not posting yesterday cuz it totally slipped my mind!! >< I was about to go to sleep when i remembered, Crap!! I forgot to update my blog. Zz, lame right? And I'm beggining to feel lazy again..Haiz... Ok nothing much except that today, I went Dragonboating and although I'm on dry, hard land writing this, the rocking motion of the boat still lingers in my head...Ughh...Feels terrible and Timothy Tan actually came for training!! Lol XD Haiz..And who's faithful reader?

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
6:25 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sleep more..

Walao!!! Sorry today no post!! Cuz I typed it and it all dissapeared and I'm too lazy to type so yea..Nothing interesting though so no worries! XD

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
6:05 AM

Monday, June 15, 2009
Wee! Sentosa!

Erm..Hi guys? Lol haha ok erm..Today Trevor invited me to go to Sentosa so yea I said yes (I mean we're talking Sentosa here!!) Ok yea so I woke up at erm.. 8.45 this morning? and got ready blah blah blah all the usually stuff but I couldn't eat alot for breakfast cuz I was feeling excited and a bit nervous (I dunno why..) but anyway I got on the train thinking: Another 1 hour long trip only to realise that Outram park is 1 station from Harbourfront! O.o Lucky me! XD Haha ok so I get to Harbourfront and I figured: Wow! I was planning to reach at 11 plus but I think I'll make it earlier. I was wrong..painfully wrong..I went into Vivo city and like stoned outside the monorail station trying to contact Trevor (13 times I think.. O.o) but he was swimming so he didn't reply. So in the end I called my mum and I asked them how to get to Rasa Sentosa and blah blah blah found my way to the Beach station. I was supposed to take a tram to the place and guess what? I took the tram, didn't get off and felt like an idiot coming back to the same place and getting back on the tram.. =.=" But i eventully found it and it was 11.45!! TT lol so much for being early..So I change into my swimming trunks and started swimming until it was time to grab some lunch. We ate pizza at this place that sold western food? Yea then Trevor's mum went for a spa so we went to the arcade where we enjoyed ourselves mostly playing the basketball thing haha RANDOM SPAMMING RULES!! Ok so yea enjoy for a while, then VOLLEYBALL!! Haha you'd think wow the ball flying here and there like pros! WRONG! we were playing in our own 'mini-court' marked out by sticks and most of us were still trying to serve properly by the end. It was fun and guess what's the maz number of times we managed to keep the ball in the air? 7? 8? 9? WRONG! 3!! Haha pro right? After that I hogged the table tennis table cuz I haven't played it for so long since the time I played with Joseph in China when I was p5! And we swam again. It was supposed to be monkey but in the end Trevor and I ended up trying to lift each others legs (which I managed to do more) and put the other guy in an awkward position(not sick) haha and we both ended up laughing. Yea then we went to the room to shower and have dinner and the room was really cool!!! Just that Trevor's bed? Really lumpy. Then it was time to leave after a game of 'chor-taiti' (how to spell?) lol and I went home feeling quite sapped of energy but happy! Haha and my usual ending which is now I'm sitting here writing this. HAPPY HOLS EVERYONE!!

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
6:02 AM

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Erm...Choclates unite?

Hi!! Lol back again...Hmm Wonder how many people actually bothered to read? Lol haha nvm XD so erm.. what to talk about? Ok this morning was just rubbish cause' I dunno what I did...Erm...Played dodgeball at the void deck in the evening and now I'm stoning in front of the computer thinking of what to write? LOL XD
P.S. Guys I wanna change the I wrote at at the end of each message to something else, help? XD

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
5:42 AM

Friday, June 12, 2009
Boring Day?

Ok I forgo to mention something yesterday, it was during Dragonboating. Now the trainer was going 'blah blah blah must be deeeeeeeep,hardddddddd and longggggggg........' and guess what he was refering to? Our strokes of course (What were you thinking?! just joking! =)) the strokes must be deep in the water, pulled hard and dragged long. =) fooled you? Ok today was boring? Video games etc. Then I went to the void deck where we played dodgeball! Cool right?! Lol nevermind but my aiming sucked!!! I couldn't hit anyone haha XD but it was still fun! Then I saw Angeline in school uniform looking lifeless. (SJI people stop smirking!) She went to Singapore Poly for something then she said she was going home to sleep, which I guessed. Lol. Erm...Yea that's it and now I'm here typing the post?

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
5:27 AM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hey wait a minute who would read this?!

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
8:03 AM

I'm so boring!

Hey guys guess what?! I'm writing a post and I bet you're like 'OMG, KAI YAN ACTUALLY UPDATED AND THE WORLD IS GONNA END!!!' Lol I don't think this will be consistent though but I try so just try to keep reading too kay? >< Lol ok so today I woke up kinda late by my standards, about 10,30? My head hurt and I got ready for the day but the morning was bleak, with the mix of sounds of Mahjong, the TV and Amanda complaining about the sound of Mahjong being too loud blah blah blah swirling around my ears. Then came DragonBoating at 3pm? Lol my first time so i was kinda nervous and so we got into the boat and into the murky green disgusting looking water in a boat and the dock was smelly and we rowed and rowed and rowed, till my back hurt (man I'm growing old) and we got off and the dock was smelly still with a dead fish floating around (man you look at the water and all you can say is poor fish!). And yea my arms were aching after that and then came a surprise!!! 100 push ups!!! Ok now usually if I pace I can do it but they insisted on keeping a pace which kinda basically killed me and I was struggling and sweating and I kept using my knee to support me resulting in a little gash. Now the worst part of my day was after that where I was exhausted and just wanted to get home quick but I wanted to shower so instead of waiting I used a pipe to wash up and someone says you're splashing water so turn the pressure down and as soon as I put the pipe in my other hand to turn the tap this old buggerish man shouts 'OI! Why you wasting water ah?!' When I was trying to save it! I really hate it when ppl blame me for something I didn't do!!! And so i try to retort but the facker wouldn't listen so I put the thing down and leave and guess what? He left the freaking pipe running at full blast while he takes his time to roll it up!! F*** Seriously!! and yea now I'm sitting here typing in this post mostly cuz of Min Xia and Richard! Thanks You guys!! lol XD

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
7:51 AM


Ok if you want to read this blog:
- you MUST introduce this blog to your friends
(that of course I know)
(Don't want random people reading this)
- You Absolutely CANNOT spam the tagboard
- You Absolutely CANNOT flame anyone (via tagboard)
- And you Absolutely Absolutely ABSOLUTELY MUST enjoy reeading this blog
(If you don't, then SCRAM)
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The Guy

Name: Arian Yu Kai Yan a.k.a. THE Kaya Bun
Birthday: (figure out the age yourself!) =)
This blog is meant to be read by people who know me so I don't think I need to introduce myself! =)
(Don't worry, I'll fill it up as we go along)


NO Spamming please!
You're wasting precious seconds
of your life when you do! =)


I want to meet friendly people like you! =)
I want to hit 11 metres consistently for triple jump! =)
I want to hit 5.5 metres consistently for long jump! =)
I want to hit 12.7 seconds consistently for 100m! =)
I want the Chocolates to stop DAOING me! =(


Making friends with bascially anyone fun! =)
Basically doing anything with my friends!(eg. SF) =)
Watching anime and reading manga! =)
Playing the guitar! =)

History of this bloggie! =)

January 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
October 2009

Stats(pls visit often!)

