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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ok ppl really really sorry I haven't been posting..VERY BUSY!!!With what, I don't really know but anyway forgive and forget and continue reading PLS! If you are pls tag the CBox thanks! XD Ok you wanna know something? Ok yea I guess you do obviously cuz this is a blog..lame..anyway during the recent weekend, i wasted FOUR hours going to and fro Bukit Gombak Stadium for SPH relay..=.= but hey our 4x200 wasn't that bad..we got 7th! the 4x400 was CRAP I heard (James was supposedly jogin his first 100m)..=.= And (drumroll please..) for our 4x100 team...........we got FIFTH place clocking 49.63!!! Our very first under 50 run! And only our third full run! Not bad right? In the end we got 2nd place overall thanks to the IMBA B boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Haha they freaking owned! I think they got first for both 4x100, 4x200 and 4x400 and that ACSI!!! Beat us by so little! You know if they were DQed for blocking the other guy and making him trip, we would have gotten 1st place? ARGH SO CLOSE! But we will win in nationals!! Haha lol ok enjoy the remaining 3 schooling days in the week! Bye! Lol =P

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
3:13 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Yay! 2nd last day of the term!

Ok now, I'll start with today's events..Erm..ok today for music (one of my favourite lessons XD!) We did 'The Reason' again then we started to learn how to play a melody! Now I would have been excited but the little problem was that I had already learnt to play that in my other class! And I paid for it =.=" so yea I wasted money..Then math was like a TOTALLY free period becaus Mrs Khoo was scolding someone for 50 minutes! And when she came in of course class had already ended...lol XD. Then for OCP, Trever started doodling on my book and the meaning of the word Ululate apparently had become 'a kind of worm, shaped like a tree that jumps out and attacks teachers!' Lol haha funny XD! Then recess (surprisingly the most boring) and Core skills nothing much..Then the last period: Physics! Ms Yam basically just went through worksheet 8..THEN MASS SWIM!! WOOT!! Haha ok yea I was kinda excited but halfway through (about 7th lap) I had cramps in the water and I kinda got a bit freaked out then I started swimming a little slower......BIG MISTAKE! There was a lightning alert at 2.30 until 3.30 and we ended the whole thing at 2.45 and I had NINE LAPS! One more to silver but I wasn't allowed to go back in..A bronze this year after a silver last year..*SOBS* and training today was ok, we did relay practice and Zuhair said he would Dao me for the rest of his life! HA! It won't happen..I just have to wait =) he seriously helps me train my patience and I have to thank him for that! Lastly, I came home and was thinking about the Angeline thing and realsied how lucky she was..They are all targeting/teasing me! Not her..Zz lol because it's all just to irritate me and it really doesn't matter to them who she is..oh yea and Sam, I won't let this blog die so soon and what's your link?
note: ok life's not always easy but hang in there! Lol random..
P.S.: Oh.. and hey people, it would be nice if you spam the Cbox with meaningful stuff cuz it looks kinda dead..Thanks =)

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
5:06 AM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Whopee!! Today!!

Erm..ok yea yesterday forgot to say I got A1 for malay! And another funny thing: yesterday during physics, a bunch of sec 1's were making ALOT of noise outside class and I was sent to 'resolve' the problem..I ran outside and shouted 'SEC ONES! CAN YOU KEEP QUIET?! WE ARE HAVING CLASS HERE AND YOU'RE VERY NOISY!! LINE UP IN 2 LINES IN 10 SECONDS! 10! 9! 8! 7! 6!' and they got frightened and complied..lol XD some of my class members even clapped! Haha! Ok for today 1st interesting thing happened..Today for music we learnd the 'C' and 'G' chord and the song 'The Reason'..Quite cool and fun to play XD and in math everyone started writing Kai Yan 'heart' Angeline on the water on the windows and told Mrs Khoo about it! I ran out and tried to erase and Mrs Khoo just told me to ignore them then they will stop..I'll try what she said..It might work..Then during Core Skills Mr Wong caught Richard playing something on facebook..Luckily he didn't scold! And after school during TAF we had 4x100m trials and I was very VERY suprised because I owned the straight with 14.79s for 120m (I even beat Zuhair! OMG!!)but I lost out in the 120m curve and omly hit 15.59 and in the end I still lost out to Zuhair..XD haha but I'm ok with that!!And that's about it! (Gonna dao KY likes Angeline things!)

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
4:38 AM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Special events for today..

Erm..ok Hi! Erm..today during class nothing interesting..and oh! The chinese test haha kinda easy so I hope I don't fail!! And for physics we finally get a topic that is not confusing or boring (or at least just not boring): Magnetism!! But yea actually it's quite confusing because today in class everyone was like NORTH!! SOUTH!!EH WAIT NO NORTH POLE AND SOUTH POLE! GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS AND SCIENTIFIC TERMS!! Lol very chaotic and very funny!!^^ Haha and today after school I had MSP and on my way there, of course,someone called me and it was none other than Denise! Lol and yea she wanted to cope my water again (quite usual actually) so she asked me to fill up my bottle before I came. Then after MSP, dunno who she said she'll wait for until 7 in school to meet the guy and she asked me to join her although it was only 6.30. Then she added in the words 'very quick' so I said ok but then Cikgu found out and 'shouted' "Arian!Go home!Don't bother waiting with her!" Then Denise started holding onto my arm and Cikgu was all like "Denise let go! Later people get the wrong idea..you know boys can also cry rape?!" At that statement, I was thinking OMG!!! SCARY!!
And KY 'heart' Angeline count: 0!! =)

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
5:44 AM

Monday, March 2, 2009
Common test results!

Yay I'm very happy cuz I already have A1 for English, math and Science and an A2 for Geography which is an improvement from last year! Zz but still no 6 points this term and guys if you think I'm being arrogant (even in this blog, SPIT IT OUT IMMEDIATELY!! I NEED TO KNOW AND REFORM!!) Then we were supposed to hand in SPA today, I did the graph wrongly TWICE! Luckily there were 24 A1's for Physics so she was in a good mood and gave one more day! Yay XD and yes.. moving on to what the whole class enjoys except maybe me...like everyone was spamming Kai Yan 'heart' Angeline on the board today..Even the water that condensed on the windows of our classrooms mostly had Kai Yan 'heart' Angeline on it (5/8 windows OK!)(BTW it's NOT TRUE anyway she's already said she doesn't go after younger dudes!) Oh yea! Lame as it may sound I finally got to go to the top floor of the PAC!! But the stairs and very steep and I was scared of slipping as it meant I would most likely fall OFF the balcony..Track training was ok today..nothing special..that should be all for today..Night! XD

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
5:48 AM


Ok if you want to read this blog:
- you MUST introduce this blog to your friends
(that of course I know)
(Don't want random people reading this)
- You Absolutely CANNOT spam the tagboard
- You Absolutely CANNOT flame anyone (via tagboard)
- And you Absolutely Absolutely ABSOLUTELY MUST enjoy reeading this blog
(If you don't, then SCRAM)
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The Guy

Name: Arian Yu Kai Yan a.k.a. THE Kaya Bun
Birthday: (figure out the age yourself!) =)
This blog is meant to be read by people who know me so I don't think I need to introduce myself! =)
(Don't worry, I'll fill it up as we go along)


NO Spamming please!
You're wasting precious seconds
of your life when you do! =)


I want to meet friendly people like you! =)
I want to hit 11 metres consistently for triple jump! =)
I want to hit 5.5 metres consistently for long jump! =)
I want to hit 12.7 seconds consistently for 100m! =)
I want the Chocolates to stop DAOING me! =(


Making friends with bascially anyone fun! =)
Basically doing anything with my friends!(eg. SF) =)
Watching anime and reading manga! =)
Playing the guitar! =)

History of this bloggie! =)

January 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
October 2009

Stats(pls visit often!)

