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Friday, January 2, 2009
Woot! Finally a personal blog!

Yea! Finally I managed to start my own blog! Dunno who would even bother reading a blog like this but I'll just try anyways..Anyway today nothing interesting happening..Except yesterday..Played SF with Loui and he is like PRO CRAP!! He freaking owns with the PSG and he killed me like I was a trainee or something..His K/D is 4.8!! Is that even possible?! I thought he was using aimbot+wallhack but now that I think about, I dun think so..but then how does he get such a high K/D? Maybe I'll see how he plays the next time he comes to my house..Really need to learn from him..

random thoughts from a Kaya Bun
12:16 AM


Ok if you want to read this blog:
- you MUST introduce this blog to your friends
(that of course I know)
(Don't want random people reading this)
- You Absolutely CANNOT spam the tagboard
- You Absolutely CANNOT flame anyone (via tagboard)
- And you Absolutely Absolutely ABSOLUTELY MUST enjoy reeading this blog
(If you don't, then SCRAM)
(no one forced you to read!)

The Guy

Name: Arian Yu Kai Yan a.k.a. THE Kaya Bun
Birthday: (figure out the age yourself!) =)
This blog is meant to be read by people who know me so I don't think I need to introduce myself! =)
(Don't worry, I'll fill it up as we go along)


NO Spamming please!
You're wasting precious seconds
of your life when you do! =)


I want to meet friendly people like you! =)
I want to hit 11 metres consistently for triple jump! =)
I want to hit 5.5 metres consistently for long jump! =)
I want to hit 12.7 seconds consistently for 100m! =)
I want the Chocolates to stop DAOING me! =(


Making friends with bascially anyone fun! =)
Basically doing anything with my friends!(eg. SF) =)
Watching anime and reading manga! =)
Playing the guitar! =)

History of this bloggie! =)

January 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
October 2009

Stats(pls visit often!)

